
The Gora compiler-cli is a simple utility dependency which provides a command line interface used to invoke the Gora Compiler It exists separate from the Gora Compiler enabling us to distinguish between usability and functionality. It does however depend upon the Gora Compiler.

The compiler-cli is trivial to invoke but also provides a useful usage statement when invoked incorrectly


 $ Usage: GoraCompilerCLI 
 $ Uage: GoraCompilerCLI -h

results in:

 $ Usage: gora-compiler ( -h | --help ) | (<input> [<input>...] <output>)

so for example, if you wished to compile one schema file, you could enter:

 $ bin/gora gora-compiler gora-tutorial/src/main/avro/pageview.json gora-tutorial/src/main/java/

if however for example you wished to compile more than one schema file, you could enter:

 $ bin/gora gora-compiler gora-tutorial/src/main/avro/pageview.json gora-core/src/examples/avro/webpage.json gora-tutorial/src/main/avro/metricdatum.json gora-tutorial/src/main/java/

The schema file is a single JSON file or a string array of JSON files.

The output directory is the destination for the generated Java source files. For example, if you specific src/main/java then the generate source is placed into src/main/java/ under the package naming convention used within the JSON schema.